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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Title: Awakened 
Author: P.C Cast + Krisitn Cast
Genre: YA, Fantasy
Publisher:  Macmillan Young Listeners
Publication Date: January 4, 2011

At the start of Awakened, the pulse-pounding eighth installment of the bestselling House of Night series, Zoey has returned, mostly whole, from the Otherworld to her rightful place as High Priestess at the House of Night.  Her friends are just glad to have her back, but after losing her human consort, Heath, will Zoey—or her relationship with her super-hot Warrior, Stark—ever be the same?  Stevie Rae is drawn even closer to Rephaim, the Raven Mocker with whom she shares a mysterious and powerful Imprint, but he is a dangerous secret that isolates her from her school, her red fledglings, and even her best friends.  When the dark threat of Neferet—who is coming closer and closer to achieving her twisted goal of immortality—and Kalona returns, what will it take to keep the House of Night from being lost forever, and what will one desperate girl do to keep her heart from being irreparably 

Book Review:
WHAT HAPPENED TO SWEET HEATH!!! Those of you who have read the book already will know what I mean. Anyway, I swear I hated some parts. I loved some parts. And I both loved and hated some parts. You're probably thinking I'm crazy right now, right? Well maybe I am, but I still can't decide wether I loved or hated this book. I am a big fan of the House of Night series. Lately though I haven't really liked the last few books. I still haven't decided wether of not I liked Hunted, Burned, and Tempted. So it's hard for me to decide how I feel about Awakened. Steive Rae used to be so sweet. She had that whole country bumpkin thing. For the first four books I loved her. After Stevie Rae changed she became annoying, and most recently kinda a b****. The whole thing with Rephaim really has taken a toll on her. As the series has progressed the books have gotten more and more of a dark edge to them. Neferet is a great enemy. She is easy to dislike, but she makes things interesting. Zoe who I have loved since the beginning, started acting like a coward at the beginning of the book. Though I have gotten over this. The good things were the storyline, the other characters, and just the overall writing. My heart goes out to Damien and the rest of them. I really wish Zoe and Heath had gotten together again. I have nothing against Zoe and Stark, but I am a sucker for the best friend since childhood guy. For those of you who have read the ending I would like to say I feel like I'm about to explode. Either of anger for what it ended like or anticipation of what will happen next. Either way I will be looking forward to the next book. This series is still among my favorite even though I think they could be better. 

Rating: A

House of Night:
You can find out more about the House of Night series here
To learn more about P.C Cast and her other series you can go here.
To learn more about Kristin Cast you can go here.
The title of the next book in the House of Night series is Destined. Sadly the cover hasn't been released yet.

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